Why I Need a Prophet | Week 1
In the Old Testament God dealt with his people through three different offices of man. The Prophet, Priest and King. The prophets were the advocates of God, bringing His words of exhortation and encouragement to the people in difficult times. The priests stood as advocates of the people before God, serving as mediators and intercessors, offering sacrifices of atonement for their sins. The king ruled God’s people in justice and power, governing, defending and providing. However, all three of those offices were just a foreshadow of what was to come. The fulfillment would be found perfectly in Jesus our Messiah. He is our role model and the one who we imitate in this present age. We will be taking a look at each of these roles individually in the next three Sundays leading up to Christmas Eve. My prayer is that in this season we would find in Him the perfect reason for our glad surrender to his Lordship.