it's time to lead.

Where there is no guidance, a people falls,
but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.
- Proverbs 11:14

thank you.

You see the need in our community for leaders and we thank you for responding to the call God has placed on your life. Below is a series of videos to help begin to equipt you to lead a Life Group or facilitate a table at one of our classes.

facilitator training.

The videos below will help walk you though what it takes facilitate a Life Group. From our values to managing conflict, we try and set some expectations for what running a Life Group is all about.

1. Introduction

The intro is always a good place to start!

2. Values

What are our values and how do they fall into what we believe about Life Groups and community.

3. Facilitating

Lear how to facilitate a Life Group. We place emphasis on facilitating as opposed to teaching.

4. Challenges

What do you do when things get hard?

5. The Worksheet

Just some formalities. Hard parts are over.

got questions?

If at any point you need some help, please reach out.